Tag Archives: disorder

Assignment: Abnormal Psych Pamphlet

9 Feb

Create a pamphlet that provides important information about one psychological disorder.

Your pamphlet must include a relevant image with a caption. It should use some of the techniques and conventions displayed in the Schizophrenia brochures, and should be formatted in the following sections:

●      A definition of the disorder

●      Causes

●      Symptoms

●      Treatment options

●      Stigmas associated with the disorder

●      Two resources for people seeking support (phone lines, online resources, support organizations)


Suggestions of disorders:

●      Obsessive-compulsive disorder

●      Antisocial personality disorder

●      Dissociative identity disorder

●      Narcissistic personality disorder

●      Generalized anxiety disorder

●      Bipolar personality disorder

●      Another disorder of your choice, with Ms. Antflick’s approval


Marking Scheme

Information is accurate and thorough                                       /5

Image is well-chosen and caption is relevant                          /5

Information is presented clearly and succinctly                    /5

Pamphlet is attractive and well organized                              /5

Research is well documented (APA)                                       /5

Total:      /25

You will be given one period to research your disorder in the CHAT library computer lab.

Due Date: Week of Feb. 28

Suggested online resources:





Resources in the CHAT Library or accessible through the library website:

Abnormal Pscyhology textbooks

Social Science Encyclopedia

Knowledge Ontario Database – Psychology Collection

Check out these examples of schizophrenia pamphlets:

Schizophrenia Brochure 12-09


Article Roundup – Psychopaths

22 Nov

Tomorrow we will wrap up our mini-unit on psychopaths. You were all responsible for reading one article about some aspect of psychopathy. In small groups, you will summarize your article and point out any significant insights that your article provided. You will present these findings orally to the class (5 minutes per group) while the rest of the class takes notes. Many of you had questions about the types of insights I’m looking for. Some questions to guide your thinking:

  • What does this article tell us about the nature of the disorder?
  • What does this article tell us about the human brain and about psychology?
  • How is this related to the Russell Williams case?
  • What are some characteristics of psychopaths?
  • What common myths or misconceptions about psychopaths does this article clear up?

After tomorrow’s class, each student must submit at least one online comment in response to this post. Your comment may be in response to something one of your classmates wrote, or it may simply be in response to the following prompt:

What is the most interesting thing you have learned about psychopaths?

Here are links to all of the articles: